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NFL, Marijuana and Pain

As Super Bowl 50 approaches, the NFL is preparing its biggest event. National Pain Report readers might be asking, “What does the NFL have to do with chronic pain?” Read more »

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Top Pot State Hawaii Creates Strict Medical Marijuana Program

The race is on for Hawaii medical marijuana dispensary licenses. The 50th state has had a medical marijuana program for 15 years and was the first state to legalize it through the legislative process back in 2000. The law only allowed for patients to grow their own, but that was changed last July. Read more »

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Cannabis, the Brain, and the Central Nervous System

There are over 480 natural components in cannabis. Terpenes are the natural chemicals that give patients relief from their pain by injecting themselves into cells and tissues of the body. The special receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps to modulate the functions of the body, including sleep, appetite, anxiety levels, and […]

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