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The New Runner’s High: How Smoking Weed Affects Your Running

Pot is pretty popular these days, and becoming more so every year as the push toward nationwide legalization inches forward. But while the culture and stereotypes surrounding weed are evolving, the effects of marijuana are still being studied—even as the way people are using the drug change. Consider this example: The more than 500 people […]

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Medical Marijuana: $100 Mil Investment in Jamaican Weed

A Canada-based company called Timeless Herbal Care announced today that it is investing $100 million in medical marijuana cultivation on the island of Jamaica. The company has said it hopes to spur research into the uses of cannabis for treating epilepsy, chronic pain, and other conditions. Read more »

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California Moves to Regulate Medical Marijuana Industry

After nearly 20 years of wrangling over what is and is not legal under California’s 1996 Proposition 215 medical marijuana law, the state legislature has passed a set of bills designed to bring order to the chaos. Fresh from working with the office of Gov. Jerry Brown (D) on acceptable language, the Assembly and the […]

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How Legalizing Marijuana Could Help California Address Drought

A flight over Mendocino County puts California’s drought into stark perspective. You soar over arid hills, browning trees and bone-dry riverbeds. As the state continues to battle the drought and its effects, its leaders are considering every possible means to cut water usage, but there’s an obvious culprit that could merit a closer look: marijuana. […]

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